Microsoft Office Colors
The programs within Microsoft Office contains a default 10 color palette. I have found the colors for use if needed:
# | Color | Hex Code | Name | Contrast |
1 |
#C00000 | Dark Red | Low Contrast |
2 |
#FF0000 | Red | Good Contrast |
3 |
#FFC000 | Orange | Good Contrast |
4 |
#FFF000 | Yellow | Good Contrast |
5 |
#92D050 | Light Green | Good Contrast |
6 |
#00B050 | Green | Good Contrast |
7 |
#00B0F0 | Light Blue | Good Contrast |
8 |
#0070C0 | Blue | Low Contrast |
9 |
#002060 | Dark Blue | Low Contrast |
10 |
#7030A0 | Purple | Low Contrast |
Note: Bootstrap background and text colors are combatible with the below boxes.
Alert warning backgrounds are usable too. Source
Alert warning backgrounds are usable too. Source