Pong Game
A C# Animation Program
System Requirements:
- A Linux System with BASH shell ( in a terminal window)
- The Mono C# Compiler must be installed.
If it isn't installed, type this command into the terminal window:
sudo apt-get install mono-complete - The source files & script file must all be in one folder.
What I've Learned
This is the final project that I had to do in my CPSC 223N (C# Programming) class.
While the idea of this game is EXTREMELY simple, the fact of the matter
is that there are many various little parts to take into account when writing up
the source code for this project. Suprisingly, there were a good number of
times where I wouldn't even recognize flaws with my source code until I was
interacting with the graphical interface.
DISCLAIMER: Please read the comments in the shell script
for more information on the execution procedures, controls,
& rules of the program.